On 30 March 2022, the project partners and the stakeholders finally had the opportunity to meet in person in Bratislava, Slovakia. Mrs Jarmila Dubrovayová, project manager representing Slovak Business Agency opened the event and welcomed the participants from the European partner regions. She pointed out that face to face meeting was after 2 years the added value for all partners and stakeholders.
Mr Boris Sloboda, General Director of the EU Funds in the Ministry of the Labour, Social Affairs and Family also welcomed the attendees. Then he presented the general situation with the social enterprises in Slovakia, mainly how the Ministry will support them in the new Programme Period. The Ministry will continue the support the social enterprises through the ESIF Funds. Following the results of the Institute of Social Economy and its 8 regional centres across all of Slovakia, the advisory activities will be provided, as for example to help them establish a new social enterprise or to develop the existing one. Funding opportunities as well as solving legislative issues. Investment activities will be provided by Slovak Investment Holding which is the Slovak manager of the financial instrument. The Financial contribution will be paid to registered social enterprises in the form of a combination of grants and selected financial instruments. Ministry is also participating in international projects for example the project EASY which intends to exchange experience in the field of social innovation promoting.
Mr Peter Mészároš, the key expert of the Institute of the Social Economy, is one of the co-creator of the Act of Social Economy and Social Enterprises (hereinafter “Act”). The Institute of the Social Economy is the National Project of the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family. It represents the Platform for the implementation of the social economy according to the Act. 3 pillars approach: 1. Legislation, 2. Advisory/counsel infrastructure, 3. Support infrastructure (financial and non-financial support).
Ms Janka Žišková, from PONTIS Foundation, presented the Social Innovation in the new Programming period 2021 – 2027. Comparing the EU, in Slovakia, social innovations are still an unknown topic to the general public and support for the social innovation ecosystem is weak and non-systematic. Compared with Finland - social innovations are a part of their daily lives.
A national strategy for the promotion of innovations does not exist in Slovakia. The Call for proposals did not fully support social innovations only innovative elements. We need definition, as well as social entrepreneurs, should be educated. What we need is: clear definition of the term social innovations, specific project selection mechanism, mechanism for finding innovative projects, measurable indicators, to create specific types of financial support, capacity building & education of actors in the field of social innovations.
Mr Milan Vaňo represented the Banská Bystrica self-governing region, which is the most developed region in relation to the support of social entrepreneurship. Mr Vaňo presented how is the situation with the social enterprises in this region. They included the social enterprises in the public procurements. Moreover, they established a “Work agency”, which is not a registered social enterprise, that assists the people from the marginalized group to find the job.