Podnikatelia získajte finančnú podporu z taiwanského kreditného fondu

Ak plánujete nadviazať spoluprácu s Taiwanom, príďte na prezentáciu ako získať finančnú podporu zo špeciálneho fondu, ktorý taiwanská vláda vytvorila pre strednú a východnú Európu. Podujatie bude v angličtine.

V prípade záujmu vyplňte tento formulár

Information about CEE Credit Fund of Taiwan

To foster business cooperation between Taiwan and the Central Eastern Europe (CEE), Taiwan government has established the CEE Credit Fund . The Fund size is USD 1 billion for the CEE countries. Slovak companies who are doing or planning to do business with Taiwan (trade, investment, R&D, no sector restricted) are eligible to apply to it.

To help the Slovak companies know more about the content, application procedure, and review criteria, Taipei Representative Office, Bratislava is going to hold a presentation on 21 February at SBA to introduce the financial tool.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to acquire the loan for your business and the business cooperation opportunities with Taiwan.

Organizer: Taipei Representative Office, Bratislava (TROB), Slovak Business Agency (SBA)

Date: Feb 21, 2023

Place: SBA (address: Karadžičova 2, 821 08 Bratislava)






Opening remarks

   - H.E. Ambassador David Lee, TROB

   - State Secretary Peter Švec, MoE


Presentation of CEE Credit Fund

Ms. Shaolin Hu,

Director of Economic Division, TROB




Networking and Individual Discussion
